YAEL building blocks

At a family event a mother builds together with her children a large structure with YAEL building blocks

At a family event a mother builds together with her children a large structure with YAEL building blocks


The bland appearance of these well made wooden blocks stimulate imaginative building.

The bland appearance of these well made wooden blocks stimulate imaginative building.

A family had a lot of fun making this figure.

A family had a lot of fun making this figure.

We had eight wheeled plastic containers to house the blocks. Having such a large amount available alloed for the ability to build a large structure.

We had eight wheeled plastic containers to house the blocks. Having such a large amount available allowed for the ability to build a large structure.

Some of the blocks in their original packaging were kept in the archives.

Some of the blocks in their original packaging were kept in the archives.

Heritage Centre? Museum of Play?

Heritage Centre?  Museum of Play?

I have had on my mind how to describe our Heritage Centre of Play.

Which aspects does it share with a Museum of Play, if at all?

An established Museum of Play or of Toys and Games or of Childhood or such stuff should have no difficulty in arranging a pop-up display of toys of the last one hundred years.

I took as a measuring stick the illustrated article by Allie Townsend that appeared in TIME magazine on February 16th. 2011. You may see it here – http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,2049243,00.html

It covers the years from 1923 to 2011 and describes 100 toys and playthings which she claims to have been the most influential.  She did not say “in U.S.A.” which she should have.The original toys are illustrated and are presented according to their year of production.

I list here the toys that we could put on show. There are some originals though most are derivatives (meaning they are the outcome of the influence engendered by those originals) and many have been produced in Israel. Lots have been “previously loved”.

Chemistry set


Pop-up books

Stuffed Mickey Mouse

Finger paint

Microscope set

Beach Ball

Toy gun

Tiny plastic soldiers

Bubble solution

Little Golden Books


Lego Building Blocks

Silly Putty

Fisher-Price Little People

Vinyl Colourforms

Paint by numbers

Mr. Potato Head

Matchbox Car

Pez Dispenser

Bendy Action  Figure



Push Toy on Stick

Hula Hoop


Troll Doll

Toy Train

Etch A Sketch

Rocking Stacking Toy


Toy Telephone

Action Men

Audio Toy

Super Bouncy Ball

Barrel of Monkeys

Radio Controlled Car

Hot Wheels Model Cars


Foam Ball for Indoors


Paddington Bear

Shrinky Dinks

Rubik’s Cube

Electronic toys

Cabbage Patch Doll

Polly Pocket

Care Bear

My Little Pony


Plush Toys

Koosh Ball

Ninja Turtle

Skip It

Glow stick

Beanie Baby

Buzz Lightyear



Magnet Toys


What are Little Exhibitions Made of, Made of……?

What are Little Exhibitions Made of, Made of……?


What happens to the stuff of play?

Accumulation.                           Hey!

To hoard   and hoard   and hoard

More    and more    and more

Shall push us overboard

Into  clutter not known before.

What happens to the stuff of play?

It is what you do with it

That is the bit

And the way

I say.

Be able to show       What we know.

Pez Display in our Centre

Here is one of our displays, small, in keeping with our character of being a Heritage Centre of Play

 Pez Display ECGI

Most of our Pez containers are vintage and are considered to be collectibles. The heads that are on the bottom of the display were decapitated some forty years ago and were used as finger puppets. According to the prices in an ‘’antique’’ shop on Sheinkin Street each of our figures are worth from 60 to 90 shekels. The market stall holder in Jaffa’s flea market just sniffed at me and wouldn’t answer when I asked for prices. She knew I was not a buyer.

This larger display is in the Museum of the Patent Office in Georgetown, Washington . I was there when it was quite new and bought lots of stuff in its shop before eating a delicious dinner at the Inaugural Banquet in its vast atrium.

patent pez

Here I am at work after searching for Jefferson’s shoe boxes. He had big feet.

at work in patent office

 ‘Google’  Pez  and be amazed at the world of Pez collectors.

There is an online Museum to be enjoyed and unbelievable masses of Pez figures portrayed.



A Japanese Festival.

Hinamatsuri (雛祭り Hina-matsuri?)

This year the Festival falls on 3rd. March. You can read about it on these sites.



The Japanese dolls in our collection of ethnic dolls are waiting to get out of their box to celebrate .